Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls. We adore our Ragdolls very much. Acquiring knowledge about your infants’ unique personalities and interesting breed-specific details is part of getting to know them.

Here are a few of my favorite ragdoll breed characteristics.(Ragdoll Cat and Kitten, Ragdoll Cats & Kittens, Ragdoll Cats and Kittens for Sale, Ragdoll Kitten to Cat, Ragdoll Kittens, Ragdoll Breeders, Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Near Me, Ragdoll Breeders near Me, Ragdoll Cat Buy, Ragdoll Kittens for Sale, Ragdolls near Me, Ragdoll Adoption near Me, Ragdolls for Sale near Me, Ragdoll for Sale)

Fun Facts About Ragdoll Cats!!

1. All of them have stunning blue eyes.

This is not a startling revelation. Ragdoll eyes can have a variety of forms and blue tones. But it’s crucial to remember that blue eyes are a trait shared by ALL purebreds.

Your Ragdoll is most likely a mix if her eyes have hints of yellow or green. I’ve come across several websites that claim Ragdolls’ eye colors come in different tints.

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

About the breed, this is NOT accurate.

2. They belong to one of the biggest domestic cat breeds.

Ragdolls are so adorable in pictures that one almost believes they would be delicate.

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

In actuality, though, ragdoll cats are among the biggest breeds of domestic cats. Nor is this all mere platitudes. These animals can weigh up to twenty pounds, but they can also have the body size of a small dog because to their medium- to long-length coats! (Ragdoll Cat and Kitten, Ragdoll Cats & Kittens, Ragdoll Cats and Kittens for Sale, Ragdoll Kitten to Cat, Ragdoll Kittens, Ragdoll Breeders, Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Near Me, Ragdoll Breeders near Me, Ragdoll Cat Buy, Ragdoll Kittens for Sale, Ragdolls near Me, Ragdoll Adoption near Me, Ragdolls for Sale near Me, Ragdoll for Sale).

Related – Selecting the Top Breeder of Ragdoll Cats

3. Their dispositions are similar to dogs.

Certain cats have dispositions that are dog-like.

The greatest qualities of dogs, such devotion and playfulness, are embraced by ragdoll breeds. They adore being close to their people and have an intense loyalty to their family.

Ragdolls will even wait patiently for their owners to come outdoors so they can play. I’ve even seen small paws occasionally reach under doors to invite me to open them!

Like all cats, they like playing, but they have also been observed engaging in a game of fetch where they play with objects like balls of paper that are crumpled up. Without any training, my Ragdolls all played fetch the first time, on their own. Additionally, ragdolls frequently go about with their favorite toys in their mouths, grinning like contented puppies.

Don’t anticipate the newspaper to be brought by some, as some have even been known to enthusiastically welcome their owners at the door!

4. Ragdolls are inherently silent.

Generally speaking, this breed is quiet, but my dogs are talkers. While the breeder where I first acquired my Ragdolls cautioned me that because they are so quiet, they don’t exhibit signs of discomfort or suffering, this can be a wonderful thing.

When my male Blue point, MacIntosh, developed a bladder problem, I discovered this to be accurate. He was quite content to rest on my lap and purr. He showed no signs of pain at all.

“Business as usual” for him. Fortunately, I took him to the vet when I realized that he was using the litter box a lot.(Ragdoll Cat and Kitten, Ragdoll Cats & Kittens, Ragdoll Cats and Kittens for Sale, Ragdoll Kitten to Cat, Ragdoll Kittens, Ragdoll Breeders, Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Near Me, Ragdoll Breeders near Me, Ragdoll Cat Buy, Ragdoll Kittens for Sale, Ragdolls near Me, Ragdoll Adoption near Me, Ragdolls for Sale near Me, Ragdoll for Sale).

5. The Ragdoll White kittens are born.

Between one and two weeks of age is when their color and pattern begin to develop. The breeder can then predict their color and pattern.

Because of the parents’ colors and patterns, the breeder can also anticipate potential color and pattern combinations in a litter of kittens.

(If you’re considering adopting a Ragdoll kitten, check out our Ragdoll Kitten Guide for more information on how to take care of your new pet!)

Related – Meet Your Match: Buy British Shorthair Kittens Now!

6. At four years old, ragdolls reach adulthood.

Ragdoll cats are classified as “slow-maturing” breeds. This implies that they are not regarded as fully developed adults until the age of four.

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

They may continue to enlarge during this time, and you could notice little variations in their pattern. Some have even been known to grow into their fifth year.

7. Ragdolls live longer than the ordinary dog.

In actuality, ragdoll cats are among the longest-living breeds. Although the typical age of a Ragdoll is hotly debated, most people agree that they live for 15 to 20 years on average.

Remember, this is for a cat that lives indoors only. This average can be lowered by exposing an indoor/outdoor cat or an outdoor cat exclusively to numerous potentially fatal infections and hazards.

Dispelling Myths About Ragdolls

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

A few of alleged “facts” regarding Ragdolls are merely folklore. We want to dispel some of these for you guys in case you’re thinking about getting a Ragdoll cat.

8. Not all of them are soft, fluffy, snugglers.

Oh my! I must set the record straight on one Ragdoll cat fact!

While not all Ragdolls enjoy being held, many do.

Every ragdoll has an own personality. Though not usually, a Ragdoll’s upbringing may have an impact on how floppy or cuddly they end up being.

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

Adopting a Ragdoll cat won’t make you a floppy cat overnight. It’s a characteristic of this breed, but not all of them share it.

9. Ragdolls don’t have low allergens.

Their lack of an undercoat is the source of this belief.

Many allergies are brought on by this undercoat’s excessive shedding. Cat saliva is the cause of other allergies, thus a Ragdoll will undoubtedly continue to play a role in this.

10. Ragdolls actually molt.

As was previously said, ragdolls don’t have an undercoat, thus they shed less, require less maintenance, and don’t acquire matted hair.

They DO still shed, though. Even though their coat is as soft as a rabbit’s, they nonetheless shed frequently like other cats.

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

Find out more about the Ragdoll’s amazing coat, which is its most endearing feature.

11. Ragdolls ARE sensitive to pain.

Ragdolls are quiet, peaceful, and affectionate, so it could be challenging for you to recognize the signs that indicate they are in discomfort.

When ill, a lot of cats cry or just start acting “not themselves.”(Ragdoll Cat and Kitten, Ragdoll Cats & Kittens, Ragdoll Cats and Kittens for Sale, Ragdoll Kitten to Cat, Ragdoll Kittens, Ragdoll Breeders, Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Near Me, Ragdoll Breeders near Me, Ragdoll Cat Buy, Ragdoll Kittens for Sale, Ragdolls near Me, Ragdoll Adoption near Me, Ragdolls for Sale near Me, Ragdoll for Sale).

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

Given that howling is not characteristic of the Ragdoll breed, you might need to give your pet more attention. They are simply more adept than most breeds in handling and concealing their pain. This does not imply that they are pain-free.

12. Ragdolls do not lack hearing.

Their blue eyes are associated with this myth.

Facts About Ragdoll Cats: 12 Surprising Things About Ragdolls

Cats with blue eyes are more likely to be deaf; nevertheless, this is largely true for pure white cats.(Ragdoll Cat and Kitten, Ragdoll Cats & Kittens, Ragdoll Cats and Kittens for Sale, Ragdoll Kitten to Cat, Ragdoll Kittens, Ragdoll Breeders, Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Near Me, Ragdoll Breeders near Me, Ragdoll Cat Buy, Ragdoll Kittens for Sale, Ragdolls near Me, Ragdoll Adoption near Me, Ragdolls for Sale near Me, Ragdoll for Sale).

Ragdolls are multicolored cats who lack the same mutation as pure white cats.




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